Mr. Blacquiere's History Class
Student Survey
Ski Club
About Me
Contact Me
Is AP Civics for you?
Chapter Resources 5-24
Class Introduction
Ch. 5
Chapter 5 Review
Ch. 6
The Declaration of Independence
Ch. 7
Ch. 8
Ch. 9
Chapter 9 and 10 Review
Ch. 10 Bill of Rights Resources
All the amendments- study sheet/Info gram
1st Amendment
2nd Amendment Discussion Question #5
4th Amendment Current Events
5th and 6th Amendment skits
Bill of Rights Games and Review for Quiz
Extra Government/Constitution/Bill of Rights Online Games
Political Spectrum PBS
Chapter 11
Ratification Competition
Chapter 11 Review
Ch. 12 Foreign Affairs (Test Review)
Ch. 12 -show-me materials
Piracy Map
Chapter 15 and 16
Ch 16 Westward Expansion Project Websites
Native American Current Events
Manifest Destiny Videos
Ch. 18 homework
Reforms (CE)
Women's Rights Notes
Abolitionist Guide/Video Clips
Pro or Anti Abolition?
Ch. 18 Review
Ch. 19
Reform/ Industrial Revoution Rap
Scavenger hunt
Industrial Revolution Webquest
Shark Tank Project
Immigration and You
Immigration stories
Ch. 19 writing prompt
Reform/ Industrial Revoution Rap
Ch 20
Underground Railroad/ Slavery
Ch. 21
April 10- April 21
Ch 22
May 1-5
Civil War Research Project
The Civil War videos
Civil War Interactives
Ch. 23
After the Civil War Videos
Important Links
M-Step Prep
Student Senate Election Ballot
Film Strip PDF
Student Senate Election Ballot
teacher resources
Civil War 150
Being President- Executive Branch Webquest
Legislative Branch Webquest
The Many Roles of Congress-Learning Module
Represent Me' Legislative Branch
Law craft- Making Laws Game
You Pick the President- Electoral College
USA today- The Match Game
Legislative Branch Quia Quiz
Legislative Branch Hangman
Constitution Day Activities
Rags to Riches- The Three Branches of Government
Bill of Rights Matching Game
Preamble Scramble
Constitution Jeopardy
Rags to Riches- Elections
Constitution IQ
Constitution Hangman
50 Quia games
The 7 Roles of a President
Constitutional Convention Internet Scavenger Hunt
Argument Wars
Do I have a Right?
Budgeting- How does the Government Spend Money
Executive Command
Win the White House
Supreme Decision
Could you pass the U.S Citizenship Test?